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OPRI News Feeds
October 2, 2020
This Halloween we will be investigating one of Ottawa's most haunted locations, The Courtyard Restaurant for the first time. This will be for the show Into The Haunting and for the first time you will have a chance to investigate along with us live. Stay tuned for more details and don't forget to visit and bookmark the site so you don't miss this live event. |
March 23, 2020
Due to the ongoing Corona Virus Pandemic all operations of The Ottawa Paranormal Research and Investigations team have been placed on hold until such time as it safe for our clients and staff to continue. We are however still available for consultations and if you have a haunted location you would like to see featured on the upcoming show Into The Haunting please contact us via our contact us page or social media. Thank you.
Due to the ongoing Corona Virus Pandemic all operations of The Ottawa Paranormal Research and Investigations team have been placed on hold until such time as it safe for our clients and staff to continue. We are however still available for consultations and if you have a haunted location you would like to see featured on the upcoming show Into The Haunting please contact us via our contact us page or social media. Thank you.

September 11, 2019
It's been awhile since we updated but rest assured we are still active. Alot of things are coming down the pipe starting with our first Halloween inspired event in Cornwall, ON. VIP tickets are sold out but there are still some to see the Paranormal Show an amazing night awaits so get your tickets now by visiting and click on our poster.
It's been awhile since we updated but rest assured we are still active. Alot of things are coming down the pipe starting with our first Halloween inspired event in Cornwall, ON. VIP tickets are sold out but there are still some to see the Paranormal Show an amazing night awaits so get your tickets now by visiting and click on our poster.
October 19, 2018
Our Halloween public ghost hunt at Macdonell-Williamson house tickets are on sale now. With the veil thinning what better way to spend the Halloween weekend than in a real haunted house with us. Visitors who came with us last month experienced alot of activity ranging from phantom smells of perfume, to cabinet doors opening. Some even captured evps during the night. If you've ever wondered if you have what it takes to be a paranormal investigator this is your chance. So where will you be when the lights go out? For tickets click here |
October 3 2018
We would like to thank all those who came out to the Macdonell-Williamson house this weekend to join us for our first of 2 public investigations. We look for ward to seeing you all for our Halloween ghost hunt coming up later this month.
We would like to thank all those who came out to the Macdonell-Williamson house this weekend to join us for our first of 2 public investigations. We look for ward to seeing you all for our Halloween ghost hunt coming up later this month.
September 4 2018
Paracon 2018 tickets are now live and we thank all that purchased tickets to our other events so far this fall. Watch for our Halloween hunt taking place in East Hawkesbury at the Macdonell-Williamson house on October 27 tickets go on sale soon so get them before they are gone.
Paracon 2018 tickets are now live and we thank all that purchased tickets to our other events so far this fall. Watch for our Halloween hunt taking place in East Hawkesbury at the Macdonell-Williamson house on October 27 tickets go on sale soon so get them before they are gone.

June 14, 2018
We are happy to announce that this fall we will be holding our first series of events at the Macdonell-Williamson house in East Hawkesbury, Ontario. These will be family friendly events during the day allowing you all to come and interact with our team and learn about the history of this amazing place as well as the eerie happenings that have been reported. There will also be some fun interactive demonstrations by our team that will offer you the chance to be a paranormal investigator for the night. More info to come so stay tuned and follow our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest info in real time.
We are happy to announce that this fall we will be holding our first series of events at the Macdonell-Williamson house in East Hawkesbury, Ontario. These will be family friendly events during the day allowing you all to come and interact with our team and learn about the history of this amazing place as well as the eerie happenings that have been reported. There will also be some fun interactive demonstrations by our team that will offer you the chance to be a paranormal investigator for the night. More info to come so stay tuned and follow our Facebook and Twitter for all the latest info in real time.
February 4, 2018
We have partnered with Trinity Productions to create season one of our show Into the Haunting.
We have partnered with Trinity Productions to create season one of our show Into the Haunting.
July 16, 2017
We revealed the results of our investigation of Moore House in Carleton Place, Ontario. Tara Gesner from had joined us for the investigation and also covered our reveal to the clients. Check it out;
We revealed the results of our investigation of Moore House in Carleton Place, Ontario. Tara Gesner from had joined us for the investigation and also covered our reveal to the clients. Check it out;
May 28, 2017
During last night's investigation we were joined by the members of the Critical Junction podcast. They produced a feature episode on the paranormal, check it out here
During last night's investigation we were joined by the members of the Critical Junction podcast. They produced a feature episode on the paranormal, check it out here
May 18, 2017
OPRI's own Bishop Plato Angelakis and lead-investigator John Moore were featured in a TFO educational documentary. Check it out here
OPRI's own Bishop Plato Angelakis and lead-investigator John Moore were featured in a TFO educational documentary. Check it out here
March 27, 2017
OPRI will be on the Algonquin College Ottawa campus to film a student documentary on the paranormal, and on those who investigate and study it. Will follow with more details.
OPRI will be on the Algonquin College Ottawa campus to film a student documentary on the paranormal, and on those who investigate and study it. Will follow with more details.
March 27, 2017
Ottawa Paranormal Research & Investigations appears in, that's right, a food magazine. Our fearless leader John sat down for an interview with writer Carleigh Reynolds.
Ottawa Paranormal Research & Investigations appears in, that's right, a food magazine. Our fearless leader John sat down for an interview with writer Carleigh Reynolds.
March 25, 2017
ORPI took part in a video shoot for a documentary episode on exorcisms to be shown on TF0 (french TVO). We will post the link to the show once it goes live.
ORPI took part in a video shoot for a documentary episode on exorcisms to be shown on TF0 (french TVO). We will post the link to the show once it goes live.
January 21, 2017
Ottawa Paranormal Research & Investigations had our investigation of Moore House featured in
Ottawa Paranormal Research & Investigations had our investigation of Moore House featured in
January 20, 2017
Ottawa Paranormal Research & Investigations had our investigation featured in the Ottawa Citizen
Citizen Article - NOTE: watch the video
Ottawa Paranormal Research & Investigations had our investigation featured in the Ottawa Citizen
Citizen Article - NOTE: watch the video
January 19, 2017
We have come to an agreement with the Ottawa Little Theatre to conduct an investigation in the coming month(s).
We have come to an agreement with the Ottawa Little Theatre to conduct an investigation in the coming month(s).
October 31, 2016
In partnership with Y101's The Unbalanced Breakfast with Kenny & Big Ginger, we conducted an investigation in Iroquois Ontario. Working with Kenny & Big Ginger was a ton of fun. Check out the conclusion from their podcast.
In partnership with Y101's The Unbalanced Breakfast with Kenny & Big Ginger, we conducted an investigation in Iroquois Ontario. Working with Kenny & Big Ginger was a ton of fun. Check out the conclusion from their podcast.
June 8, 2016
Getting ready for our Investigation this weekend at Witch Hollow. It's usually an active night so let's hope the activity there is high this Saturday.
Getting ready for our Investigation this weekend at Witch Hollow. It's usually an active night so let's hope the activity there is high this Saturday.
June 3, 2016
We're Happy to announce preparations are going well for the Eastern Ontario Paracon. For more info on it please visit the events tab on our facebook page. We're working hard to bring you some new case reveals very soon also so check back often.
We're Happy to announce preparations are going well for the Eastern Ontario Paracon. For more info on it please visit the events tab on our facebook page. We're working hard to bring you some new case reveals very soon also so check back often.
May 25, 2015
We've been busy here finishing up some old cases but have some new reveals coming soon so check back often. Also check out our blog to see the latest info on the Eastern Ontario Paracon.
We've been busy here finishing up some old cases but have some new reveals coming soon so check back often. Also check out our blog to see the latest info on the Eastern Ontario Paracon.
March 30, 2016
New case scheduled for April 23 16-0021703 case info coming soon. And listen next Thursday to X Zone Radio at 11pm when our founder will be the featured guest to talk about all things paranormal.
New case scheduled for April 23 16-0021703 case info coming soon. And listen next Thursday to X Zone Radio at 11pm when our founder will be the featured guest to talk about all things paranormal.